Request Any Roms Games

Before sending a game request check the following: ⇩

A. The game is ON Console Or PC ➨ A simple Wikipedia research will help you out. NO online-only games or games that are mainly designed for online. For instance: PUBG, Sea Of Thieves, Fall Guys or any of the online MMORPGs.

B. The game you are requesting must be RELEASED

C. The game you are requesting must be CRACKED. We do not crack games, the scene group are the ones who crack the game. We (EmulatorGames) pre-install Pc Games, or Console game up in a convenient .zip file for you.

DISCLAIMER: At we do not encourage or promote the downloading of ROMs, not even for discontinued titles. Therefore, we do not host or link to any copyrighted content.

-Keep the discussions section related. DO NOT SPAM or create long threads. If you get caught more then once, you will be banned from commenting.
-Don’t criticize other users game requests.
-Put all your requests in a single post, otherwise they’ll be marked as spam.
-Keep your requests at least 8-10 hours apart to reduce clutter, otherwise it’ll be marked as spam. We can’t get to every game request, and spamming won’t help you either.
-If you have any issues with games (game doesn’t start, freeze, etc), ensure your device is up-to-update with proper specifications.

The search bar in the “Header” section of EmualtorGames is not 100% accurate. It doesn’t detect punctuation and even when you write the full title correctly chances are the game won’t show in the first result page. But there’s a workaround: In the Roms, click on “View All roms” and a list of all the games on the site will appear. Then, press CTRL + F (on chrome) and type in the title of the game.


Have a game request to add on to the site? Comment below and we will release games you want! All requests are accepted from classical old games to new games. To post a comment on here, make sure you sign up and login to Disqus. (You can do this by clicking here).

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7 months ago

I love playing all the games appear here but the problem i have is how to get the newest PSP games like wolf warrior, John wick 4 and other latest games. The PSP games that are here are the old games.Please try to update your system on newest and latest PSP games.

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